How to identify demand for products in capitalism ii game
How to identify demand for products in capitalism ii game

how to identify demand for products in capitalism ii game

I've used the mod kit to create a mod that rebalances the whole game. See the README.TXT file for more detailed usage instructions. In particular, it allows you to add new product images and delete existing product images.

  • prodedit allows more advanced editing of the I_ITEM.RES/P_ITEM.RES pair in the game's "Resource" directory.
  • iresedit allows editing the I_foo.RES/P_foo.RES pairs in the game's "Resource" directory, which allows you to edit product and CEO images, but not to add new ones or delete existing ones.
  • icnedit allow editing the ICN/COL files within the game's "image" directory, which allows you to edit some of the user interface graphics.
  • It requires an installed copy of Microsoft Excel 2007 or later. gameset\1STD.SET) file, which allows you to edit many types of properties within the game, and to add new products and production rules.
  • dbmod allows editing the cap2 database (i.e.
  • NET Framework version 3.5 or later, which you probably already have, and consists of four programs: The most recent release is version 3 (released September 16, 2013). Since the most popular part of this post is now the mod kit, I'll place it first.
  • Other RES files in the "Resource" directory.
  • how to identify demand for products in capitalism ii game how to identify demand for products in capitalism ii game

    The I_foo.RES and P_foo.RES files in the "Resource" directory.The ICN/COL files in the "image" directory.In the process, I created a mod kit that allows editing many parts of the game. Today I was motivated to reverse engineer the game enough to fix these problems. There are even worse problems with citric acid and wheat germ oil, which are very expensive to produce. It's difficult to profitably produce your own textiles because cotton is just too expensive. If I recall correctly, one bug has to do with cotton, or perhaps textiles, which are made from cotton. I like to run companies that are vertically integrated, where I own the production all the way down the supply line to the raw resource extraction. I like the game Capitalism 2, but it has some annoying bugs.

    How to identify demand for products in capitalism ii game